Press release
Aidrom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches of Romania will organize on 24 May 2018, a conference on information and dissemination within the project “Integration of foreigners with legal residence in Romanian society – a common construction”. The event will take place in Botoşani, starting at 9:30, in the conference room of Hotel Belvedere, boulevard Mihai Eminescu, Nr. 67.
Between June 2017 and June 2019, the ICAR Foundation, in partnership with the Ecumenical Association of Churches in Romania-Aidrom, implements, at the level of Region 3, the project “Integration of foreigners with legal residence in Romanian society-a common construction”, project funded by the European Union, through the National programme -the Asylum, migration and Integration Fund.
The project aims at social integration of beneficiaries of a form of protection (BP) and third country nationals in Romania (TCN) through the implementation of a regional integration model.
More information about this event can be obtained from Zota Ionuţ Lucian, local Manager, Regional Integration Center Iaşi, at the following contact details: Tel: 0745 992 668, e-mail