Final conference – the integration project in Oradea

Filantropia Oradea organized on Tuesday, 07.05.2019, the final conference of the “Integration NOW – Complex and Unified Approach for Migrants” (second phase) FAMI / The conference took place at the Butoiul de Aur Restaurant, in a multicultural and dynamic atmosphere. A significant part of the conference was the moment in which the mediators, volunteers and beneficiaries of the project […]

A healthy lifestyle- Oradea

This event was about encouraging a healthy lifestyle, about finding some time for our body, mind and soul. Thank you, Valeria, for this challenge and thank you all for participating! The event was organized by Regional Integration Center Filantropia Oradea within the European project: “Integration NOW – Complex and Unified Approach of Migrants” – FAMI /

A trip to Turda Salt mine

Romania is not always easy to discover, but, for sure it’s worth it! 50 people that participated in the trip to #SalinaTurda and #GradinaBotanicaClujNapoca on 23.03.2019 can confirm how awesome Romania really is! The trip was organized by Regional Integration Center Filantropia Oradea within the European project: “Integration NOW – Complex and Unified Approach of Migrants” – FAMI /

Craiova – Interact Plus second stage launching conference

On 18 September 2018 Global Help Association organized a conference to launch the second stage of the project Interact PLUS-Integrated services for migrants, social and intercultural dialogue. Beneficiaries, project volunteers, intercultural mediators, family members of Romanian citizens and foreigners, representatives of local authority in Dolj were present as well as non-governmental organizations. At the conference beneficiaries who were present showed […]

Interact PLUS-First stage closing conference

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), the office in Romania held on 19 June 2018, together with the project partners from Bucharest – Schottener Foundation for Social Services and AIDRom – the closing event of the first stage of implementation of Interact Plus project – Integrated services for migrants, social and intercultural dialogue.  Results of the first stage of implementation were […]

Information and dissemination conference within the project “Integration of foreigners with legal residence in Romanian society – a common construction”

Press release Aidrom – The Ecumenical Association of Churches of Romania will organize on 24 May 2018, a conference on information and dissemination within the project “Integration of foreigners with legal residence in Romanian society – a common construction”. The event will take place in Botoşani, starting at 9:30, in the conference room of Hotel Belvedere, boulevard Mihai Eminescu, Nr. […]