Integration programs

Region 1

For the following counties: Bucharest, Ilfov, Prahova, Buzău, Dâmbovița, Argeș, Vâlcea, Gorj, Brașov and Covasna.

Project title: InterACT – Active participation and integrated support for migrants in Romania

May 2024-May 2026

Project code: AM22A/01

Project funded by the European Union, National Program 2021-2027 Asylum, Migration, and Integration

The International Organization for Migration (IOM), Mission in Romania is implementing the InterAct – Active participation and integrated support for migrants in Romania project. The project supports the social, economic, and cultural integration of beneficiaries of a form of protection and third-country nationals into Romanian society through an integrated one-stop-shop approach. It also aims to strengthen collaboration with central and local institutions/authorities, the private sector, and other entities with roles or responsibilities in the field of migrant integration.

The project aims to:

  • Provide integrated and comprehensive assistance within the two Regional Integration Centres in Bucharest and Brașov and in the Regional Centre for Procedures and Accommodation for Asylum Seekers in Bucharest for at least 1,300 migrants.
  • Facilitate migrants’ access to the labour market through counselling and information, and strengthening partnerships with the private sector.
  • Encourage dialogue with the host community by organizing socio-cultural and educational activities.

Our beneficiaries:

  • Beneficiaries of a form of protection in Romania residing in the counties of Region 1, holding a residence permit issued within the past 12 months.
  • Third country nationals residing in the counties of Region 1, holding a residence permit issued within the past 12 months.
  • Beneficiaries of temporary protection in Romania residing in the counties of Region 1, holding a temporary protection permit issued within the past 12 months.
  • Central and local public authorities, migrants’ organizations or associations, non-governmental organizations, the private sector, the media.

Services offered in the Regional Integration Centres open in Bucharest and Brasov are:

  • Information and counselling services;
  • Educational activities, including Romanian language courses and cultural orientation sessions;
  • Social, cultural and recreational activities;
  • Legal counselling;
  • Employment assistance;
  • Psychological counseling;
  • Support for the payment of health insurance and reimbursement of medical services and materials;
  • Material assistance;
  • Support for the purchase of supplies and other materials needed in the educational process;
  • Reimbursement of expenses for kindergarten, nursery or afterschool and extracurricular activities.


Bucharest Regional Integration Center

86 Dacia Boulevard, Sector 2, Bucharest

Phone: +40 212 102 050



Brașov Regional Integration Center

Str. Lunga 113, Brașov

Phone: +40 752 634 999


For the following counties: Galaţi, Vrancea, Bacău, Vaslui, Brăila, Tulcea, Constanţa

The Jesuit Refugee Service Association of Romania (JRS Romania) in partnership with the Heart of a Child Foundation implements the project “My Place – a bridge for the integration of beneficiaries of a form of protection and foreigners legally residing in Romania”. effective for the beneficiaries of a form of protection and of foreign nationals of third countries at the level of Region 2, with a predilection for the categories of vulnerable persons and / or with special needs, offering complementary services to those provided by the state.

The project aims to:
• creating the necessary infrastructure to carry out the activities
• improving the visibility of the benefits of integration measures and the interaction between the host company and the target group
• developing communication with local actors involved in the integration process
• maximizing the chances of integration through information, counseling and assistance actions in accessing the available public services The direct assistance activities aim at:
• information, counseling, material, legal, medical, psychological assistance
• social, cultural, recreational, educational activities, Romanian language courses and cultural orientation, at the level of the two regional integration centers in the cities of Constanta and Galați, a city where there is also a work point for child care.

Constanţa Regional Integration Center (JRS Romania Association)
Address: bd. Mamaia, no. 13, Constanța
Phone: 0738.719.233; 0738.719.235.

Galati Regional Integration Center (JRS Romania Association)
Address: str. Brăilei no. 37, et. 2, Galați
Phone: 0738.719.234; 0738.719.230

For the following counties: Suceava, Botoşani, Iaşi, Piatra Neamţ

Project title: “Integration of legally resident foreigners in Romanian society: a common construction”

The ICAR Foundation implements in partnership with AIDRom – the Ecumenical Association of Romanian Churches the project Integration of foreigners with legal residence in Romanian society: a common construction.

The project aims to:
• To contribute to the social integration of the beneficiaries of a form of protection and of foreigners legally residing in Romania by consolidating a model of regional integration.
• Promote a favorable environment for the integration process by disseminating relevant information and continuing / strengthening the dialogue between all regional actors involved in the integration of migrants in Romania (local public authorities and institutions, non-governmental organizations, mediators, migrant communities, volunteers, etc.).
Its activities take place in the counties of Suceava, Botoșani, Neamț and Iași.

The main target groups to which the project is addressed are:
1. Beneficiaries of international protection (BIS)
2. Third-country nationals (RTT)

Services offered: Within the 2 Regional Integration Centers the beneficiaries of a form of international protection and the nationals of third countries from Region 3 can benefit from:

• Individual social counseling.
• Group social counseling and courses to develop independent living skills.
• Romanian language courses for vulnerable BPI and RTT / other educational activities and cultural orientation / accommodation.
• Involvement in social, cultural and activities
• Psychological services for BPI and RTT in Region 3.
• Facilitating access to medical services.
• Assistance for family reunification, recognition and equivalence of qualification / diplomas, obtaining civil status documents (marriage / divorce, birth, death), obtaining the right of permanent residence and Romanian citizenship including material support for translation, legalization, apostille – all documents related to the integration process.
• Support for the purchase of supplies / materials needed in the educational process.
• Expenses for food at kindergartens / nurseries / afterschool for children enrolled in the preschool and school education system.
• Advice and legal system.
• Interpretation services.
• Settlement of rent costs for 2 months for beneficiaries of a form of international protection enrolled in the integration program coordinated by IGI.
• Material incentives (150 lei / person) for BPI / foreigners legally residing in Romania who actively participate in the activities of the integration program.

Iași Regional Integration Center
Str. Pacurari. No. 66, Iași
Phone: 0745.992.668

Rădăuți Regional Integration Center
Str. I.L. Caragiale no. 9A, Rădăuți
Phone: 0738 914 819

For the following counties: Maramureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Cluj, Bistriţa Năsăud, Mureş, Harghita, Sibiu, Alba

The League for the Defense of Human Rights Cluj (LADO) implements in partnership with the Professional Non-Governmental Association for Social Assistance (ASSOC) Baia Mare the project SIM _ CIS 4 – Integrated services for migrants – intercultural and solidarity communities. The project aims to support the process of integration of beneficiaries of a form of protection (BP) and third-country nationals (RTT) legally residing in Romania, in Region 4 (Maramureş, Satu Mare, Sălaj, Cluj, Bistriţa Năsăud, Mureş counties, Harghita, Sibiu, Alba), by consolidating integrated services for migrants, interculturality and dialogue between migrants and relevant local actors.

The target groups of the project are represented by:

  • Beneficiaries of a form of protection (BP) in Romania
  • Third Country Nationals (RTT) legally residing in Romania
  • Local authorities and public institutions from the counties that are part of Region 4, the communities / associations of foreigners, intercultural mediators, organizations that carry out activities for / with BP and RTT, the private environment, mass media and the Romanian society in general

Services offered:

  • Information and counseling
  • Romanian language courses and cultural accommodation sessions
  • Organizing social, cultural and recreational activities
  • Payment of health insurance, but also of other services / treatments / medical materials
  • Supplies and other materials needed in the learning process for children
  • Reimbursement of nursery / kindergarten / boarding school costs, afterschool for children
  • Financial incentives granted to BP and RTT for involvement in project activities


IOM office in Cluj-Napoca

Address: Str. Avram Iancu 13-15, Cluj-Napoca, Romania

Phone: +40 771 564 282 (Romanian, Ukrainian, Russian, and English languages)


Monday to Friday: 09:00 – 17:00 (Excluding public holidays)


For the following counties: Timişoara, Arad, Bihor, Hunedoara, Mehedinţi, Caraş Severin

AIDRom in collaboration with IOM and Oradea Philanthropy implements the project “Integration services for beneficiaries of a form of protection and for foreigners legally residing in Romania, in the Western Region”.

General objective: To increase the level of integration of RTT with the right to stay in Romania and of BP by involving local communities and institutions and offering complex integrated services.

Specific objectives:
• Increasing the level of social integration of BP and RTT in Region 5, by developing and supporting individualized integration programs as well as their access to complex social services.
• Development and consolidation of local inter-institutional support networks to facilitate the integration of BP and RTT, in the counties: Bihor, Arad, Timis, Caras Severin, Hunedoara and Mehedinti.
• Increasing the degree of involvement of representative members from foreign communities as well as creating and consolidating networks of local volunteers for the integration of BP and RTT, in the counties: Bihor, Arad, Timis, Caras Severin, Hunedoara and Mehedinti.
Services offered: The Regional Integration Centers in Oradea and Timișoara offer free to foreign citizens *:
• Social, legal and information counseling;
• Cultural accommodation events and Romanian language learning courses;
• Support in finding a job and holding meetings with potential employers;
• Material assistance for vulnerable categories;
• Settlement of medical services;
• Settlement of transport to CRI / CRCPSA (based on the minibus / train ticket);
• Support for equivalence of diplomas, settlement of document translations;
• Payment of health insurance (maximum 1 year for BP, maximum 6 months for RTT);
• Financial incentive for those who actively participate in the integration proportion (150 lei);
• Accompaniment and intermediation for accessing community services;
• Subsidizing the costs for supplies and auxiliary teaching materials (books, notebooks, pencils, sports equipment, watercolors, backpack, etc.) – 450 lei / child;
• Subsidizing the costs necessary for enrolling in nursery, kindergarten – 200 lei / month / child;
• Possibility to get involved in volunteer activities;
• Possibility to participate in personal development camps.
* Foreign citizens who can benefit from services are those who have a right of legal residence in Romania (third-country nationals) or those who benefit from a form of protection of the Romanian state (refugee status or subsidiary protection).

Oradea Regional Center for  Integration (for Bihor, Arad and Hunedoara counties)
Str. Buzăului, no. 2B, Oradea, Bihor – Romania
Tel / fax: 0259 436 601/0743 081 449

Facebook page

AIDRom Timișoara Regional Integration Center (for Timiş, Mehedinţi and Caraş Severin counties)
Str. Gheorge Sincai Nr. 9, Timisoara

Tel: 0256.217.096/ 0742 128 579

For the following counties counties: Giurgiu, Călărași, Ialomița, Teleorman, Olt and Dolj. 

Project title: Regional Network for Migrants’ Integration in Romania – MyRO (2020-2022) 

The Global Help Association from Craiova in partnership with the Ecumenical Association of Churches from Romania – AIDRom and the International Organization for Migration (IOM), the Office in Romania implements in December 2020 – December 2021 the Regional Network for Migrants’ Integration in Romania – MyRO (2020- 2022) whose main objective is to facilitate the migrants’ integration in the host communities from Region 6. 

The project aims to: 

  • provide integrated assistance and services to support and promote the economic, social and cultural inclusion of migrants 
  • encourage intercultural dialogue 
  • strengthen the established collaboration with local authorities and institutions, the private sector and other entities with responsibilities in the field of migration 


The specific objectives of the project are: 

  • Improving the integration assistance structure for migrants and the service quality by continuing the activity of the Regional Integration Center (CRI) opened in Craiova, establishing a new Regional Integration Center in Giurgiu and carrying out activities in the Regional Coordination Point opened in the Regional Center for Accommodation and Procedures for Asylum Applicants (CRCPSA) in Giurgiu. 
  • Promoting the active participation of migrants in the socio-cultural and economic life of the host community by strengthening the intercultural mediators and volunteers networks created at the regional level and their involvement in project activities and intercultural dialogue. 
  • Promoting the dialogue between relevant local regional actors, including the private sector, which can contribute to the socio-economic inclusion of migrants. 


To whom we address: 

  • Beneficiaries of a form of protection in Romania who reside in the counties of Region 6 
  • Third-country nationals legally residing in Romania residing in the counties of Region 6 
  • Central and local public authorities, migrant organizations and associations, but also non-governmental organizations, private sector, mass media 



  • Information and counseling services 
  • Educational activities, including Romanian language courses and orientation and accommodation sessions 
  • Social, cultural and recreational activities 
  • Payment of health insurance settlement of treatments, services and medical supplies 
  • Material assistance for rent, maintenance and commodities 
  • Financial incentives for completing social integration activities 
  • Providing supplies and other materials needed in the educational process 
  • Reimbursement of expenses for kindergarten, nursery, afterschool and extracurricular activities 


Contact information: 

Craiova Regional Integration Center 

Frații Buzești street, no. 25, Craiova, Dolj County 

Phone number: 0351-422.287 



Giurgiu Regional Integration Center  

Mihai Viteazul Boulevard, no. 1, Giurgiu 

Phone: 0770 617675/ 0766 714 684 

E-mail: :