In the field of integration / regulated migration, it is a strategic concern of the General Inspectorate for Immigration (IGI) to include aspects of integration into all other relevant policies by strengthening the capacity of relevant actors and institutional cooperation and supporting the process of social integration of beneficiaries of international protection and third-country nationals (TCN) legally residing in Romania.
At national level, under the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF), there are wide-ranging social integration campaigns of beneficiaries of international protection and third-country nationals, projects funded through the General Inspectorate for Immigration under the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The AMIF projects aim to support the socio-economic and cultural integration of migrants in the Romanian society:
- through an integrated one-stop-shop approach in providing the information and services they need (e.g. employment, access to health services, access to educational, cultural, housing and social services, active participation to community life).
- by strengthening the active cooperation and involvement of authorities / institutions, the private sector and other integrating entities.
The target group of projects consists of the following categories:
- Main beneficiaries: beneficiaries of international protection and foreigners from non-EU countries with legal residence in Romania.
- Secondary beneficiaries: organizations, central and local authorities and institutions working with migrants and managing the services available to them in Romania; local communities; media.
The services offered within the projects are:
- Information and advisory services.
- Romanian language courses and cultural orientation for children, young people and adults.
- Social, cultural and recreational activities for children, young people and adults.
- Payment of health insurance.
- Material Assistance (e.g. purchase of material goods, settlement of medical services and treatments, etc.).
- Guidance on access to the labour market.
- Provision of supplies and other necessary materials during the learning process for children.