The Novapolis Association – the Center of Analysis and Initiatives for Development in partnership with the City Hall of Constanța organized Wednesday, October 10th 2018, an activity and information workshop, addressed to the institutional actors and NGOs in Constanța that have attributions or are involved in the integration of migrants and refugees.
The Snapshots from the Borders Workshop, “Snapshots from the borders – Small towns facing the global challenges of agenda 2030”, contract no. CSO-LA/2017/388-115, focused on interesting aspects regarding the main causes of migration, the objectives of sustainable development or the migration phenomenon and the management of the immigration and integration of refugees in Romania.
The interventions of the representatives of the Novapolis Association, the City Hall of Constanta, the Academy of Economic Studies of Bucharest, the Coast Guard, the Civic Resource Center of Constanța, the Ovidius University of Constanta, the Constantin Bratescu Pedagogical National College, CRCPSA Galati, IGI Territorial Service of Constanta and the Association for the Promotion of Legal Migration debated relevant and present topics such as local experiences in immigrants’ reception and work with the refugees, institutional, legislative and cooperation aspects at local and regional level, as well as the public opinion on immigrant integration.
The event brought together participants from the main areas that aim the process of reception and integration of migrants, among the present public authorities of Constanța being included the County Agency for Payments and Social Inspection, the County School Inspectorate, the General Directorate for Social Assistance and Child Protection, the Directorate for Sport and Youth, the County Agency for Employment, plus the social partners and NGOs active in the field.
The working sessions were interactive, and the work groups within the workshop offered suggestions and ideas on the Border Town Network which is to be consolidated within the project. Thus, the participants in the event had the opportunity to directly interact with experts and specialists in the field, as well as with migrants and intercultural mediators, to discuss upon the migration phenomenon and to watch a series of videos and informational materials to share their experience.
*** More information on project activities can be found at: or and by phone at 0725 259 919 or e-mail: asociatianovapolis@gmail. com, contact Iris Alexe, national coordinator.